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Coding & Billing

Select a reason for the encounter to get started. 

This is not a complete list of codes. This tool is not a guarantee of reimbursement. This tool was designed to help answer only the most common questions surrounding medical coding and the midwifery practice. Coding information comes from our membership with and use of AAPCs PRO coder tool. Providers registered with our billing service will be provided with the pass phrase to use these tools. We highly encourage providers and practices to invest in the AAPC CODER TOOL subscription for their practice for unlimited, up to date access to all coding updates, descriptions and crosswalks.  Click on the AAPC CODER button on this page to subscribe. 

For more on how to use this coding guide, click here 

Care during pregnancy 

Care from birth - 1 year

Labor Management, delivery in home or birthing center, VBAC delivery, multiples and birth complications.

Family planning, contraception prescriptions and devices, IUDs, preventative and problem examinations in women 14-100!

Routine care following birth

Urinalysis, lab draws, metabolic screening, and common midwifery medications

For a more comprehensive list of codes, please reference current AMA manuals for ICD-10-CM, CPT and HCPCS codes and guidelines. 


Other third-party applications include the ICD10 Consult and QuickRef apps for iphone and apple, 

Our Billers will not discuss patient balances, bills or benefits over the phone. We can not accept payments on behalf of your provider, payments should be made to your midwife directly. Please email Emily at the email provided below with any questions for further assistance. Thank you!

Contact    fax: 866.422.6682     Business Hours: Monday - Thursday 10am -4pm, Wasilla, Alaska

Formerly My AK Billing LLC


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