Insurance Credentialing & Contracting
This is not a complete list of insurance payers. The credentialing and contracting process may change at any time for any payer. Please follow the instructions provided by each payer and read all insurance payer handbooks and contracts thoroughly before signing. My AK Billing, LLC is not responsible for the validity of this content or the requirements and restrictions set forth by the insurance payers listed here. This page is only meant to help providers locate insurance payer information regarding network participation.
CAQH Proview
Most insurance companies prefer to initiate provider and practice credentialing using CAQH. Providers must continue to re-attest to the information bi-annually or as your information changes to avoid contract and credentialing delays or errors
Cigna may not be the most common health insurance payer in the Alaska healthcare networks but it can be the most generous, fastest and easiest to work with for Midwives. Reimbursement is fee-for-service and based on the providers fee schedule.
Alaska Medicaid
Alaska Medicaid providers are bound by their participation contracts and applicable state laws and regulations. It is important to educate yourself on the provider medicaid manuals and reimbursement cycles as well as newly required self-auditing to remain in compliance. While the program does not currently require malpractice insurance, there is an application fee of $500+ USD to join.
Credentialing & Contracting Tracker
Coming Soon
Coming soon. My AK Billing, LLC will be providing a Credentialing and Contracting Tracker that will include tips and tricks as well as electronic or paper tracking forms to make the entire process easier and more efficient for providers, practices and facilites.
One of the largest private, federal and commercial insurers in Alaska and Washington state. You will be assigned a Network Contract Representative by the carrier to negotiate your reimbursement and sign your contract documents. You can renegotiate your contract at any time by contacting this representative by phone or email.
If you are unable to join the Aetna network for any reason, Multi-plan may be a great way to still accept many of its affiliate plans. Reimbursement is generally low but negotiation is possible.
Complete the application to nominate a provider or practice into the network and when there is available for your specialty you will be contacted with a contract and sample fee schedule.
United HealthCare
A commercial and private plan, there may be restrictions on participating provider specialties and the number of providers in a single specialty by region.
Aetna and its affiliates manage smaller plans and unions for Alaska residents and workers including our teachers, electricians, engineers and pipeline works. A contract with Aetna affects all of its individual plans and affiliates but it is important to ask questions while contracting including whether or not homebirth services and state licensed midwives will be covered.
Tricare WEST
Does not accept state licensed midwives (CDM) or CPMs. Great for nurse midwives or nurse practitioners. Fee schedules and prior authorizations can be searched or completed directly through the HNFS website at any time. Patient responsibility depends on the covered plan and services for the provider type.
Liberty HealthShare
A community sharing program, this is not a typical insurance plan. Most patients will identify as a cash or self-pay patient and request receipts to be reimbursed by the plan to save the plan money and resources.