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You're almost done!

Thank you for registering your insurance information with your midwife! While we look into your benefits and create an estimate for you, here is some information you should review closely so that you are not surprised with medical bills later on.


If you haven't finished registering your insurance, please click here.

Click on any of the links below for more information

What happens next? 

A medical biller will review your insurance plan information and speak with your insurance representatives about your benefits and out-of-pocket costs with your midwife and return a Verification of Benefits (VOB) to your provider within the week. VOBs are processed in the order they are most needed based on your appointment date or Estimated Due Date (EDD) you provided on the registration form. Your provider will go over this information with you at or before your next scheduled appointment.


My midwife wants me to make a payment before my due date. 

Your midwife may expect you to make payments in the amount of your remaining deductible or anticipated copay/coinsurance amounts before delivery. If your provider is in-network with your insurance, an exact estimate is provided in your VOB based on your providers contract with your insurance. 


My midwife is out-of-network with my insurance. 

If your midwife if out-of-network with your insurance, your VOB will clearly explain your out-of-network deductibles, copays and coinsurance rates with your provider. These amounts may be higher than a participating or in-network provider. Out-of-network providers may also choose to Balance Bill patients for the difference between your insurance's "allowed amounts" for services and the provider's billed amount. These differences may be significant. If your provider practices Balance Billing, it will be disclosed in the VOB and your midwife may ask you to sign a Federal No Surprise Act waiver. You do not have to sign this waiver. If you choose not to sign the waiver, your midwife may ask you to find a new provider. 











My midwife wants me to sign a Federal No Surprise Act waiver. What am I signing and what are my rights? 

Here is the WAIVER in its entirety as well as the Patient Rights notice. These documents can only be changed where designated by federal law. For more information about the FNSA, visit 


How do I know how much my midwife is going to cost? 

Alaska’s new health care price transparency law (AS 18.23.400) went into effect January 2019. The law requires health care providers and facilities to post the prices of their most common procedures. This also requires providers to provider good faith estimates to patients when requested. 


How do I make a payment? 

Payments should be made directly to your midwife. Ask your midwife if she accepts credit, debit, cash and/or check payments at your appointment. Your midwife might be able to accept payment through an online portal or mail. 


Can I pay with my HSA?

Yes! Most of your maternity care costs will be deductible, copay or coinsurance costs and are HSA eligible. If your midwife accepts most major credit cards, they should be able to accept an HSA payment. Once your claims are processed, email Emily ( or your midwife directly and we will send you a coded copy of your receipt and how it was applied to your claim after insurance. This receipt will include all of the necessary codes and information for your HSA. 


How to add your newborn to your insurance to avoid medical bills. 

Make sure to contact your insurance within 24-72 hours after delivery to notify them of your newborns arrival. They will provide any forms and inform you of any documents (such as the child's social security number and birth certificate) they require to add your newborn to your insurance. These documents can sometimes take up to 6 months to process so be sure to complete the Birth Certificate order form for Vital Statistics and request a Birth Verification form from your midwife as proof of birth until they arrive. 


Still have questions?

The best place to look for more information about your benefits and coverage questions is your plan's benefit booklet or call your member service number on the back of your insurance card.

Our Billers will not discuss patient balances, bills or benefits over the phone. We can not accept payments on behalf of your provider, payments should be made to your midwife directly. Please email Emily at the email provided below with any questions for further assistance. Thank you!

Contact    fax: 866.422.6682     Business Hours: Monday - Thursday 10am -4pm, Wasilla, Alaska

Formerly My AK Billing LLC


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