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Step 1. Complete an online Patient Registration Form and download a copy of the completed form to retain for your records or provide to your provider upon request. 


Step 2. A biller will use the information you provided in the registration form to gather a Verification of Benefits (VOB) and help form a patient estimate for your care. A copy of this form is sent directly to your provider who will put together a Financial Plan for any payments to be discussed at your next appointment. 












Step 3. Your provider will submit claims to your insurance after care is provided or after delivery. Final patient responsibility for claims will be billed at this time. 


Step 4. PAYMENTS. To make a payment or set up a payment plan with this provider, please contact the provider or provider's office directly during normal business hours. 


Notice to Patients: Prism Midwifery is currently a non-preferred provider for most insurances but is willing to work with you on how to minimize your out of pocket costs.


Prism midwifery accepts most insurances but will be processed as out-of-network or non-preferred. Balance Billing does not apply. 


If you haven't already, Aeroflow breastpumps is an independent

company that works with your insurance to coordinate benefits for a variety of breastpump options for expecting moms. Visit Aeroflow Breastpumps for more information.



Our Billers will not discuss patient balances, bills or benefits over the phone. We can not accept payments on behalf of your provider, payments should be made to your midwife directly. Please email Emily at the email provided below with any questions for further assistance. Thank you!

Contact    fax: 866.422.6682     Business Hours: Monday - Thursday 10am -4pm, Wasilla, Alaska

Formerly My AK Billing LLC


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